One day while filming the Maine edition of the Truth project in Portland I noticed a guy snapping pictures of me at work. He later approached me and asked questions about this project. Turns out this guy was a photographer for Portland Press Herald newspaper.

Two days later I received an email from a school teacher in Portland telling me about her reading about my project in Portland Press Herald newspaper. She asked if I could visit their school, King Middle School, to help kick-off their expeditionary learning 3-months quest on the topic called “Truth or Consequences”. Since I was on the road trip, we were already long gone from Portland Maine, however, a few weeks later Elaine, that school teacher, arranged flying me back to Portland for the kick-off of their expedition. Though I’ve never given presentations before, let alone to a whopping seventy three 13-14 year olds, it seems that everyone enjoyed it and some were even inspired.